Welcome to Forest Park Neighborhood!

Forest Park Neighborhood Association provides a forum for neighbors to discuss issues and concerns that effect the neighborhood including land use issues, wildlife and habitat protection, noxious weed removal, fire safety, traffic concerns and city/regional government concerns and policy. The Portland metropolitan area is growing which means increased pressure for development as well as all the other factors that accompany a burgeoning population. FPNA automatically receives land use notices about development within its boundaries and can appeal decisions at the city level without charge.


Membership in the Forest Park Neighborhood Association is free and open to anyone who lives, owns property, or runs a business/organization within the boundaries of the Forest Park Neighborhood. To join, click here, complete the form, and upload your verification.


FPNA hosts an annual SOLVE Neighborhood Clean Up for Earth Day. Join us to help beautify the neighborhood!

Neighbors and friends are invited to participate in the SOLVE clean up campaign. This is a perfect opportunity to perform community volunteer work. Snacks, safety training, plastic gloves, and safety vests will be provided. To save time you can pre-register at SOLVE. Families are welcome.